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Original Lando Calrissian actor teases big Star Wars announcement

Actor Billy Dee Williams might have teased his involvement with some Star Wars project, most likely the upcoming Lando series. This comes as it’s revealed that Donald Glover inked a deal with Disney to write the series alongside his brother Stephen.

The OG Lando actor took to Twitter to encourage people turn on notifications and to keep an eye out in the future as something “truly magnificent” is coming soon. Outside of this tweet, no one really knows what he could be talking about.

We already know he’d likely be no more than a cameo in the series, as not only is Glover writing, but also starring, as the namesake character. This has been the case since the show was unveiled in 2020, following his debut as the original Millennium Falcon owner in 2018’s Han Solo origin story, Solo.

While it’s hard to say what role he could possibly serve, maybe he’d be the show’s narrator or perhaps he’s Lando’s father or mentor that plays a small yet meaningful role. It’s also possible he’s none of those things and is perhaps “future Lando” and more of a cameo in specific episodes that go in the future. We’ll have to wait and see, but whatever is, it’s gotten WIlliams really excited.

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