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Barbie dethrones Super Mario Bros. movie as highest-grossing film of 2023


Greta Gerwig’s mega-hit, Barbie, has managed to do a lot, and now it turns to be the highest-grossing movie of the year, besting even The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Yes, the SMB movie is now the second highest-grossing film of the year, and that’s okay.

As reported by Variety, the pastel picture’s box office now stands at about $1.36 billion. Now, it is a close battle, with Illumination’s praised game picture standing at $1.35, so really it’s a close race, but with Barbie still staying at the center of headlines, there’s no doubt that it will continue to rise until the very last day in theaters.

Since July, the film’s been crushing it at the box office, smashing through significant milestones left and right, solidifying itself as the current best debut of the year. It also stood tall at the #1 spot for four consecutive weekends until Oppenheimer stole the glory that weekend, and making a bit more ripple as the highest-grossing flick directed solely by a woman.

It’s also worth noting that the Margot Robbie-starring flick managed to become Warner Bros. Pictures’ highest-grossing film ever, even surpassing The Dark Knight by a landslide. At this rate, it’s poised to continue to grow. At the bare minimum, though, it’s still cemented itself as the 14th biggest domestic release and 15th biggest international release.

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